Friday, September 11, 2009


You guys were the best team that I ever had!!! I learned a lot of stuffs and miss a lot when the time we rushing and working hard for the Sanity music video. We are currently in the last semester and gambateh my friends, you guys are the best~

YZ: Actually you are pro and nice, just a bit lack of confident and poor in expressing yourself, believe in yourself~ lalalalala

Edwin: You make me hard to breath everytime work with you coz very pressure la abang...but I really learnt a lot from you and you never say no when we have any requests...thank you so much~

Mandy: Hey gal, you are potential to be the Malaysian next TOP talkative Model..haha.. ^^ We should find someday to go for shopping together...HEHE

SKIP: ......................................................................................................1 + hole + U = ???

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The facts I hate much

I hate arguing, but I have to argue to serve my rights...
I hate to wake up late, but just because I don't get enough sleep last night...

I hate chicken rice, because it makes me too full everytime...

I hate the uncle who live upstairs, because he ruins my sleeps with drilling wall every morning...==

I hate talking with Shu Yuan sometimes, because he is never talking properly and nicely to me...

I hate rainy days, because it makes me moody and lazy...

I hate myself to be too childish, because I get trusted to everyone so easily until I don't realize I have been fooled!

I hate myself to be too kind, it's too late now for me to regret...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

L-A-N = 烂


其实学生不是一间学校的栋梁,老师才是关键人物(clinically tested, subject : Han Chiang College)


Saturday, July 11, 2009



Saturday, July 4, 2009

第一章 :哎哟










Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Greatest

It's really upset me when I saw someone who is pretending to be "powderful" among the others but the fact is they're just a piece of cake, a piece of stale cake. I have met with someone that really make me wrathful of his oddful act and sometimes looks stupid and no-point. THE Greatest is always right, don't try to oppose Him if you want to live. By the way, there is something I don't really like about Him, He can't speak well in any languages that you can found in Malaysia include His mother tongue, no ONE! I'm not saying that I'm perfect but at least at the higher ranking than Him. And He is such a good photocopy machine that have been 99.9% approved by SIRIM and ISO9001. His works were perfectly make-over and he swept away Apples just as He deserved it!Well done my Greatest, you'll always be the apotheosis of Greatest photocopy machine! OK, after "praising" you, it's time to teach you how to be the real Greatest. Someday, the Creator will show you instead of telling you how undue are you right now, and the poor thing is you still don't realize it....good luck to you my Greatest, all the best.

Friday, June 26, 2009

纪念一代歌神Michael Jackson

当大家都在期盼着他的告别世界巡回演唱会时,2009年6月25日,我们伟大的歌王--麦克杰逊逝世了,死因不祥。他是被发现在其Los Angeles的住家中时已经没有呼吸,被送往医院后证明已过世。
不是死忠粉丝的我也感到愕然,突然就想听他的那首我的最爱 "You are not alone",悼念一下这一位风靡全球的pop歌王,MJ,一路好走.....